On Monday, May 16, the freshman honors English class took a trip to the Flogler Theater in Washington D.C. They went to learn more about a man of many talents, William Shakespeare. The bus trip on the way down was cheerful and everyone was excited to watch the phenomenal acting troupe, Bill's Buddies preform live. The show was exciting, yet educational. All of the actors had wonderful stage presence and effortlessly recited some of Shakespeare's most famous lines. Different scenes from different plays were acted out and at times the audience was called on for volunteers to help. Students learned how to break down a line of Shakespeare and interpret the meaning. After the play was over, the class walked several blocks to Union Station, where everyone ate lunch and relaxed. As the freshman walked back to the bus, they got to have their picture taken in front of the Capitol building with their teacher, Mrs. Zurkowski, the awesome teacher who made the trip happen! The Washington D.C. trip was a fun-filled day of learning and sightseeing!
I never thought that I was going to have as much fun as I did yesterday. My favorite part of the trip was watching Bill's Buddies preform a scene from A Midsummer Night's Dream. I have a newfound respect for Shakespeare because he was a writer who made a huge mark on history by writing world famous plays that we all can relate to.
The Capitol building.
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